Reviewing The Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program
How good is the Unlock your Hip Flexors program? Find out what we discovered about this stretching training by Rick Kaselj

By: Travis
Hi, I am Travis. My main focus in life is to understand training better and help others get better results too. I used to be about the least fit kid in school and would always be last to get picked for a team. It wasn't for a lack of trying, but all my efforts just lead to injuries
For years, I had completely given up on ever getting in shape. Then I began to use my brain before using my muscles. I read every popular book on exercise, and began to structure my training.
With the right training methods, and the right machines, I was able to rebuild my body from the ground up.
According to science, I would never be able to walk pain-free again. And I would never be able to do 20 pull-ups with the injuries to my rotator cuff. But they were al wrong.
This site is where you can find all my tips and recommendations.
The hip flexor is a unique part of the human body and should always be at 100% for you to feel good. If not, the rest of the body starts to struggle whether it has to do with flexibility, mobility, or simply having good posture during the day.
This product “Unlock Your Hip Flexors” has been released onto the market as a one-stop solution for fixing any underlying issues with that area of the body. This review is going to determine whether the product has a purpose and if it does the job that it is set out to do.

Key Features of Unlock Your Hip Flexors:
- Detailed Program for Maximum Results .
- Easy To Implement.
- Natural Solutions Only .
- Physical and Digital Copy Available.
- Created by Certified Physical Therapist
Who Is Rick Kaselj
Specializing in fitness and exercise rehabilitation, Rick Kaselj is committed to assisting both individual and group clients by conducting training and presentations for those hurt on the job, while playing sports or in vehicle crashes.
Drawing on his personal research interests and rehabilitation background, Rick has developed a range of educational materials for kinesiologists, professionals in the fitness industry and healthcare service providers.
Nearly 6,000 fitness practitioners in the U.S. and Canada have availed themselves of the over 300 presentations delivered by Rick.
Among the topics covered in Rick’s courses are:* Back, shoulder, knee and hip exercise rehabilitation techniques* Shoulder stability basics* Fundamentals of foam rollers* Introductory and advanced stability of core muscles* Introductory and advanced exercises with the stability ball* Running without injury* Assessment of and correction of posture issues* Shoulder preservation strategies*
Always working to achieve a true balance between his profession and his passion for travel, Rick has competed in fitness contests far and wide, including races in Whistler, British Columbia, and Manitoba.
Rick has also completed a 4,300-kilometer hike on the Pacific Crest Trail, stretching from Canada to Mexico and has biked the Great Divide Mountain Bike course, traversing the Rocky Mountains along the way. Never content to sit idle, he has also traveled to 17 different countries on three continents.Receiving a kinesiology bachelor’s degree in 1997 from Simon Fraser University, Rick also earned a master’s degree with a focus on therapeutic exercise and corrective techniques for addressing problems with the rotator cuff.
His professional endeavors encompass roles as a personal trainer, lecturer, writer, kinesiologist, and rehabilitation specialist in the Greater Vancouver area.
What I Like About Unlock Your Hip Flexors PDF
Going with a solution that is ineffective will always be the last thing a person wants and that is where this stands out. It is easy to understand, reasonably laid out, and has all the core components necessary to bring home real results. This is what stands out when it pertains to effective solutions.
It does a wonderful job of breaking things down for the reader and making it simpler to implement. The results are quickly noticeable as a person starts to make this a part of his/her daily routine.
Simple Language
While going through the program and taking a look at the core details, it becomes easy to understand the charm of the setup. It is made for those looking to pick up a quick guide, follow the instructions, and start to notice a change in their hip flexors.
There is no technical jargon nor is there anything to be afraid of while using the guide. It has been written with a purpose and that is what makes it magical in the long-run. It is going to work and it is beautifully written from start to finish.
Imagine starting to work on your hip flexors and then breaking something! This is one of the worst things that can happen but when you go on the wrong regimen, it is a risk that you are taking. With this program, you are not dealing with such issues at all!
You are getting a guide that is going to be easy to understand, simple to follow, and as safe as you want it to be. There is nothing in the guide that is going to be putting your body at risk and you will feel good as soon as the progress creeps in over time.
Trusted Expertise
It’s one thing to go out and invest in a solution that is made by an amateur and another to invest in something like this. It is designed by a certified physical therapist that has seen it all and understands the intricacies of the hip flexor and how pivotal it can be to the rest of the body. With simple adjustments, it’s possible to bring things back to normal and increase flexibility.
Another benefit that comes along with this guide is knowing you will not be footing a hefty bill to get your hands on it. They have made sure both the digital and physical copies are as affordable as you need them to be. This is a major advantage for anyone that is on a budget and simply wants to bring about a positive change in his/her health.
What I Didn’t Like About Rick Kaselj’s Program
Requires Patience
If there is a con to mention with this guide, it would have to do with your mindset as a person. You will need to go through the guide and make sure you are following it to the last line. There is no purpose in wasting time and only doing a bit of the program. You want to do it all as that is the only way you are going to notice a change. This is where being able to stay patient is essential.
Final Thoughts
In the end, this is a guide that is going to be useful to anyone looking to unlock his/her hip flexors as soon as possible. It is safe, easy to follow, and an absolute joy to implement. The results are going to pour in and it will make a noticeable difference. You can buy the program here