Side Effects Of Hydroxycut Gummies
Hydroxycut is known as an effective way to lose weight and available in pills and gummies. But there has been some news about possible side effects. Read on for an overview of what we know.

By: Travis
Hi, I am Travis. My main focus in life is to understand training better and help others get better results too. I used to be about the least fit kid in school and would always be last to get picked for a team. It wasn't for a lack of trying, but all my efforts just lead to injuries
For years, I had completely given up on ever getting in shape. Then I began to use my brain before using my muscles. I read every popular book on exercise, and began to structure my training.
With the right training methods, and the right machines, I was able to rebuild my body from the ground up.
According to science, I would never be able to walk pain-free again. And I would never be able to do 20 pull-ups with the injuries to my rotator cuff. But they were al wrong.
This site is where you can find all my tips and recommendations.
The latest member of the family of dietary supplements is called Hydroxycut and is marketed for weight loss. The supplements included are gummy chewable, protein bars and drink mixes. There are even powdered forms that can sprinkle onto foods.
The active ingredients of Hydroxycut include green coffee bean, extracts of spinach, kelp fibers and caffeine.
The medical research that has been done on these natural ingredients do suggest they may contribute toward weight loss goals. Nevertheless, it is crucial to understand the potency they have will be largely dependent on the fortitude and metabolism of the user.
Even manufacturers recommendations suggest it’s not useful on its own but as a support to a larger routine of dedicated weight loss efforts.
The Hydroxycut Controversy
The first of the products made their debut in 2002. The early formula included a plant extract called ephedra. While the plant is known to improve energy levels, various ephedra extracts have since been banned by the USFDA. Since then the Hydroxycut supplements have been reformulated and released again.
In 2009, four years after the reformulation, the FDA issued a warning on all the Hydroxycut supplements. The FDA had mentioned 23 different cases of liver disease, jaundice, brown urine, and abdominal pains that were considered results of the Hydroxycut supplements. They were also sure to mention that these were rare cases but not isolated and that user’s had a mild cause for concern.
The Ingredients
Since these incidents, Hydroxycut has made various changes to tier select components. The ingredient list as we see it today has been deemed completely safe; there still have been some health concerns linked to the continued use of Hydroxycut.
While the ingredients are different from product to product, some of the usual ingredients include wild olives, wild mint, cumin, lady’s mantle and caffeine. Other ingredients could include spinach extract, kelp fibers, and green coffee beans.
What Are The Side Effects Of Hydroxycut Gummies?
While hydroxy has removed many of the ingredients that can cause serious health issues, notably ephedra, there are still some causes for concern. Since the above re-formulation that Hydroxycut underwent in 2006, there have still been some health problems that the medical community has linked.
Ischemic Colitis
In 2011, there was a case of ischemic colitis linked to the use of Hydroxycut. This is a condition of reduced blood flow to the colon caused by narrowing arteries. It has also been linked to the amounts of caffeine in the supplement.
Caffeine Overdose

There can be a great difference in the quantity of caffeine included in two
different products. Some are basically caffeine free, but others like the popular Max Advanced for Women can have as much as three double-espressos, almost 400 mg. Many people have a bad reaction to even 300 mg of caffeine in a day. Caffeine overdoses are quite common for many people and include shortness of breath, irregular heartbeats, and nervousness.
The caffeine in Hydroxycut was also linked to a possible case of rhabdomyolysis. This information was taken from a 2013 case study in three US army servicemen. Skeletal muscle tears can cause fluids to leak into the circulatory system, and this can lead to liver and blood conditions as well.
Other Conditions
There has been at least one case of ulcerative colitis caused by Hydroxycut. There has also been some information from Australian researchers that have linked Hydroxycut to manic conditions.